- Obstacles will definitely come your way, distractions will come and at a point, you might feel like giving up, but the ability for you to forge ahead despite all that means you will definitely succeed. Trust me, you will get there. It’s just a matter of time.
- You were never created ordinarily. Your conception in the womb to birth was intentionally planned by God. He brought you here on earth for a purpose and He expects you to fulfil that purpose to its full extent because He has provided you with all the resources you’ll need. So go out there, start influencing your world. Dare to be different’.
- You can’t be close to God and His word, and you still think, act and live ordinarily.
- True contentment comes when you know that you have done your best to become the best you can be
- Passion will make you believe things you never would have believe, make you meet people you would never have met, attempt things you would never have attempt, motivate people you would never have motivated, learn life lessons you would never have learn and in the long run, make you accomplish what you could never have accomplished
- Aim for something that will demand all of your faith, attention, energy, focus, potential and of course your hard work; believe me; it will be worth the effort. It is better to fail at doing something than to excel at doing nothing.
- When everybody is stopping at how far they think they can go, make a difference, by going the extra mile. Go beyond your own limits and you will discover things beyond your imaginations.

- One thing that is always helping me to give is to pretend as if I never own what I’m about to give out
- Nobody has the power to stop you from believing in yourself. You are the only one who has the power to stop yourself from believing that something is possible and can be achievable.
- When you have the habit of always thinking negative, you shouldn’t be surprised when all you see and experience is negativity.
- Jesus Christ displayed the greatest form of restraint. In front of the Sadducees and Pharisees, in front of Pilate and in front of the soldiers who were insulting Him when He was to be crucified. His personality, strength and power was above them all but yet he humbled himself and willingly layed down His life. Then who Am I, not to restrain myself even if I’m been trodden upon and humiliated?

- A true hero is someone who embraces the life he/she is given and makes it better.
- It is not what you have in your possession or what you have achieved that makes you one step ahead.
- It is the virtue you have in you, the manner in which you relate with people, and the way you behave and react.
- I thought about quitting but I discovered that a lot of people are watching. So \i had no other option than to move on.
- Maturity is not about age. It is about taking decisions on your own and be ever ready to take full responsibility for such decisions.
- To influence another will take a lot of effort from you influencing yourself first hand.
- If there is one lesson life has taught me, it is that no sinner will go unpunished.
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