If you
could start your life all over what would be different? What would you change
now if you were able to wave a magic wand and start from scratch? Just imagine
you have no ties, no burdens, no limits, no memories, and no past. What would
your life look like? If the answer that comes to your mind is different than
what you are doing, why is that? Is it because of someone else's opinion? Your
parents, spouse, friends?
The ultimate test of your life is to close your eyes and think of yourself on your deathbed. Lying there, preparing yourself to leave, look back at your life as you are currently living it.
How do you feel? Are you satisfied you lived completely? Or do you wish you had done differently? Very few of our forerunners look back on their life and say, "I sure wish I had spent more time at the office!" Nobody says, "I wish I had watched more TV!" or I wish I had acquire more possessions! This is what they usually say "I wish I had been bolder. I wish I was more passionate. I wish I kept more good friends. I wish I had given more. I wish I had tried harder to see more, do more and feel more." People wish that they had lived more.
Make an attempt today to start with a brand new page of your life. Create your life story how you want it. If there are others in your life to be involved, have them do the same exercise. Then compare your notes. If this matches your current life, congratulations! You are one of the few. Now make it better.
However, if your written life stories sound like someone completely different, then you are living a life of conflict. Here is the good news. Your life is your life. No one can take that away from you. You are not indentured. You are not a slave. You are free to go, do, and be whomever you wish.
It might not be easy, but it sure might be worth it. There are so many things to be grateful for, and so many things open to us. And we owe it to the one person (God) who has given us this opportunity to take advantage of it. It’s never too late to create a new life story for yourself. Start today! Start Now! Thrive to live life well.
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