It’s really been long I took up my pen, engage in
serious mind exercise and jot down the end result. So many things have been
calling for my attention these past few weeks that I didn’t realise that it had
been a while I posted something. Anyways, to cut the story short, here I am
again as I couldn’t help but share the insights I received while reading my
bible some days ago.
are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes,
a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked
schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out
lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community”(Proverbs 6:16-19, NIV)
I read this scripture and I had to re-read again because
it was as if I’ve never come across this portion of the bible before. I was
amazed that despite the fact that God loves us and He is ever ready to forgive our
sins if we ask for forgiveness, there are some habits that He so much loathes
with passion “Proverbs 6:16, MSG”. These are habits that are so common even
amongst us believers. Especially a haughty look, a lying tongue, and someone
who stirs up conflicts in the community. Or you don’t know that the best way to
stir up conflicts is through gossips? These are things we intentionally or
ignorantly do every day. These are habits we believe does not count or have any
effect. When they call out sinners, we shy away believing that we are innocent
because we do not participate in the so called big and obvious sins like
Murder, Robbery, Adultery, fornication, etc while we secretly engage in these
seemingly tiny habits that look so simple and normal. Ha! Only if we knew that
these so called small sins are actually what God loathes with passion. Do you
know what it means to loathe? To loathe something means to feel intense dislike
and disgust for something. The synonyms include detest, abomination, hate, can’t
stand, can’t bear, abhor etc. This is to say that God cannot just stand
somebody who lies, someone who is proud, hands that shed innocent blood, a
heart that plot wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush to evil, a false
witness, and a gossip (I use gossip because it is the fastest way to stir up
conflict). Little wonder the bible says that God will start His judgement from
His house; Meaning that believers will be judged first before the unbelievers. This
is so because, these habits does not exclude the believers. Infact, it is very
common in the church. Be free to Quote me wrong.
if we want to be sincere with ourselves, we will discover that we are guilty in
one way or the other of these sins even though we most of the time don’t intend
to be. Funny enough, these little sins are in most cases the bedrock of the so
called obvious and bigger sin we think we are innocent of.
Now what is the essence of this piece? Simple,
reading this scripture and meditating on it really opened my eyes to see that
even though it wasn’t intentional, I have been getting myself on the wrong side
of God which might possibly be the reason for some of my unanswered prayers. I
cannot continue in sin (whether knowingly or unknowingly) and expect the grace
of God to thrive in my life (Romans 6:1) No! I must consciously decide to stay
clear from what God hates. And I believe that if you are reading this at this
moment, you will want to agree with me, that we really need to ask for the forgiveness
of God and also His grace to help stay away from these so called little but
damaging sins...
Please share this if you agree with me. Spread the
word. Sin is Sin no matter how small. God loathe sin.
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