Welcome to my Blog.
My name is Ikpefua Joy C. Alias Ciana Joy. The
second and last daughter and the 3rd out of four. I’m a young
Christian lady enthusiastic about God and life. I’m a lady with a strong will
for equal opportunities between the male and the female. Amidst the hobbies I have, Writing has always
been my passion. I don’t have a particular niche on which I write on, but most
of my writings are always to inspire people. I write anything that is worth my
time and effort, anything that comes to my mind that is worth sharing and
anything that talks about equal opportunities for all. I love singing too even
though I don’t belong to the worship team in my church. I just love to worship
God through my songs, and sometimes I sing for relaxation.
I love writing because; it has always been my
wonderful means of reaching the world and expressing my innermost thoughts. I
want to impact my world, I want my voice to be heard loud and ringing, I want
to encourage someone out there, I want to fight for equal rights for all, and I’ve
discovered that the best and most effective way I can do this, Is with to put
my pen into use. The pen may be small, but it’s more effective than a sword. This
is because that a pen can easily win a battle that might never be won by a
Ciana Joy inspires is the perfect podium to unleash
my thoughts, my wish, and my pains. It is a platform where you can freely voice
out your views, opinions and concerns about whatever is bordering your mind. This Blog was initially created to pour down
my thoughts and hoping that through these thoughts, my readers will be more
Inspired and motivated. But along the line, I later discover that my passion
for blogging was more than just pouring out my thoughts to influence my
readers, so I decided spicing it up with some other contents that might be of
interest to my readers. So you can always come here for latest news, gists, and
live scores (from other websites though).
Thanks for stopping by.
#Ciana Joy Inspires!
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