Sometimes life gives us a second chance because just maybe the first time we weren’t ready. You see, the thing is, life will always goes on whether you choose to take a chance in the unknown, or stay behind, locked in the past and thinking of what could have been. If you don’t take a chance at something, then you don’t even stand a chance of getting that same thing. Making a big change in life is pretty scary but the regrets of not making that big change is even much scarier. The truth is, we always have a choice to take a chance, and if we fail to make that choice, our lives might never change for the better.
Never stop taking chances, Infact take a lot of them. Because no matter where and how you end up, it always end up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make you who you are and you learn and grow with each choice you make every day. “Whenever I get a very good and rewarding chance, I go for it straight up even if it will require that some part of my life be changed. After all, nobody said it will be easy, but knowing it will be worth it, is enough a reason for me” (Ciana Joy). Be sure of these three things: You may never have what you want if you don’t go after it, the answer will always be no if you don’t ask, and you will always remain on the same spot if you don’t step forward.
Taking chances and making mistakes is how we grow. Pain nourishes our courage and we sometimes have to fail to practice being brave. Sincerely yours, some of the chances I have taken so far, didn’t really work out like I expected or want, but seriously, taking them were my best adventures so far. When you take chances and they don’t work, you really do not lose because at the end of the day, you learn new things and gain more experience and knowledge. Life has taught me a lot and I’ve learnt that the only time I run out of chances is when I stop taking them whenever they come my way.
Take every chance and drop every fear. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. If you don’t take a chance, how will you ever know? In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we are afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make.
Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Make that relationship work. Take actions towards your dreams. Step up the stage. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Reach out to someone. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.
Take a chance and don’t ever look back.....
#Ciana Joy Cares
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