G. I. F!!!!!!!!
Friends, how are you doing? I hope your week has been productive and wonderful?
I’m so excited because today is Friday and I really can’t wait to relieve
myself of work and explore the weekend. Well, today, I’m going to be talking
about believing in yourself because it has been discovered that the major thing
that stands between us and our achievement is the amount of trust we have in
ourselves. If we don’t believe that we have the capacity to achieve something
even if it’s attached with challenges, then we won’t achieve it. What you think is what you are.
already have been blessed with what you need to create your future. The most
important thing is to never stop believing in yourself because the moment you
do, it might be difficult for you to achieve your goals. So never let what you think you can’t do stop
you from doing what you can do because what you can do now is the only
influence you have over your future. Before you start anything, you need to believe
in yourself. Believing itself comes from the heart. If your heart does not
believe what you are set to do, then don’t bother doing it. This is simply because we cannot achieve more
in life than what we believe in our heart. You can only believe in your dreams
when you start believing in yourself. I have noticed that the first thing that
doesn’t allow people to actually believe in themselves is their low self
esteem; and this is because I was once there. The strongest factor for success
is self-esteem. ‘Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it and
believing you will get it’. So
if you are the type with a low self esteem, then you really need to get
some help on how to save yourself from that. People with low self-esteem are
more likely to sabotage themselves when something good happens to them, because
they don’t feel deserving. If the thought inspires you, and it feels good and
right, it is yours, alone, to exercise. So get right on it! Nobody has the
power to stop you from believing in yourself. You are the only one who has the
power to stop yourself from believing that something is possible and can be
in the magic that's in you, its potential, what it can achieve. But most of all
believe in yourself and create a world where dreams become reality” (Charlene
A. Wilson). So many people have limited their productive
capacity because they don’t know they can actually do more than they think they
can. The thing is, you are always bigger than whatever you think you are.
Imagine with all your mind, believe with all your heart and achieve with all
your might. Being confident and believing in your own self worth is necessary
to achieving your potential. Believe you can do it, go out there and do it,
because that is the only way you are going to get it! Almost every successful
people had these two mentalities in their mindset ‘the future can be better
than the present, and I have the power to make it so’. Just believe you can,
and you are halfway there. What the mind can conceive, it can achieve. ‘Believe in yourself
and all you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than
any obstacle’ (Christian Larson.). ‘The
future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’ (Eleanor
is up to you only and nobody to decide that nothing will and can stop you from
achieving your dreams. No matter how many mistakes you make, or how slow you
progress, you are still way ahead than everyone who isn’t trying. When you
strongly believe in a cause, and you set your mind to do it passionately, no
obstacles of any kind can discourage you or stop you from getting your desired
result. One bitter truth is, to achieve the life only 10% live, have the
courage to dream the dreams, run the habits and model the behaviour that only
10% do. Always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing
alone. ‘A creative man is motivated by his desire to achieve, not his desire to
beat others’ (Ayn Rand). Keep your dreams alive and understand that to achieve
anything requires faith, belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination
and dedication. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe. If you
don’t think you can achieve something, nobody else will because you control the
most important tool of your success which is your mind. Stop saying I wish and
start declaring I will. Your willingness is also very important.
and what you believe in also matters. Who and what you believe in can speed up
or slow down your rate of success in life. Talking about whom; who do you look
up to? Who do you run to for wisdom and insights, and who do you make your
wishes and requests known to? Now to what; ‘What do you really believe in?
Positive Vs Negative reports, Possible Vs Impossible, I can Vs I can’t. These
questions are very crucial to achieving our dreams and goals in life. No matter
what happens, you should never stop believing in God and yourself. It is
usually people that believe the impossible, achieve the unbelievable. Breathe
in Inspiration and trust yourself. The answer is yes you can! People will let
you down in this life and promises will be broken. You should therefore expect
less of others and trust more of yourself. The battle of life is, in most
cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win
without honour. If there were no difficulties, there would be no success and if
there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved. So
start believing in yourself from now...If you believe you can, you definitely
believe in you
start believing in yourself.
Joy Cares
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