Wow! Wow! Wow! Today is the last day of the challenge. It’s been God (All
Praises and Adoration to Him?) and you guys all through.
You never know how far you can go until you start. It’s the last day of
the challenge already and I must confess it’s been a worthwhile one. I love how
we have connected over the days, I love how we discovered more about ourselves,
I love how we looked forward to each day knowing a challenge was coming up and
we were capable of achieving it, it has been beautiful! Kudos to you guys. Though
my expectations of you guys participating on the blog wasn’t met, I really do
appreciate you for being an ardent reader throughout.
Today, we are going to pick at least two of those challenges and stick
to them. Of course, we can pick more and that would even be way nicer. Just
make sure you have at least two challenges and make them routine.
I want us to view this challenge in a deeper way. View it as you putting
your mind to achieving a goal and looking forward to every day as a step to
achieving it. Regard it as a means of discovering how far you can go to achieve
whatever you decide to achieve. Make the past days count!
Two people would have won my gifts today but I guess I’m just going to
keep my gifts to myself since nobody participated #smiles# It has been a
wonderful experience and I really wish it wouldn’t end. *sad face*. You know, I
wake up every morning, reminding myself that I have to think fast of a
challenge for the day and I’ve really gotten used to it. So I hope I wouldn’t
wake up tomorrow tasking my brain for another task (lolz).
Please do me a favour by posting a summary of what you’ve gained so far
from this challenge, how it has helped you and if you want something like this
Love you all...
Ciana Joy
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