The Pains
I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will
say, “She doesn’t have what it takes.” They will say, “Women don’t have what it
takes. People don’t want to see women doing things they don’t think women
should do. Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought
half as good. But luckily for us, this
is not difficult. Men are allowed to
have passion and commitment for their work… a woman is allowed that feeling for
a man, but not her work.
I remembered
when I was growing up and started seeing women older having this monthly blood
flow especially the ones attached with excruciating pains, I was scared. Then I
was told that every woman must experience this because it only shows that such
a woman can have babies. And I thought to myself ‘What the fuck? You mean I’m
also going to experience this for long? Seriously, it wasn’t funny when I
started seeing mine. Gosh! I hate it then and I was wishing I was a boy. Still
don’t really like it now though (Smiles).
Then also
comes the issue of saying It’s only a girl that should do all the house chores
and cooking's. This really gets me pissed off. It’s not as if I’m lazy because
I am not, it’s just that I feel like its cheating. How can I do all the house
chores and also cook just because I am a woman? Isn’t it annoying to you too?
The guys watch T.Vs, go play football and play with their friends, and you
should be indoors because you are a woman. Hardly will a girl tell her parents
that she is going to visit a friend. The first question that will be thrown at
her immediately is ‘are you done with the chores? Gosh! It’s really so unfair
if you ask me. But the most annoying part is that these guys will not even show
appreciation for your hard work. They wake up in the morning, food is ready.
After playing out with their friends, they come back home shouting they are
hungry and start asking if the food isn’t yet ready, and when the food gets
ready, they sit like chairman and eats comfortably, go to the kitchen and drop
the plates. Some will even leave it on the dining. And then because I am a
girl, I should clean out the dishes. God help us.
And now that
we are growing up into these beautiful angels guys will not stop disturbing us.
Then we become a targeted victim of rape or being used and dumped. Advances
will come from everywhere. Even men old enough to be our father will make
advances at us. In schools, lecturers will make advances and if we don’t agree,
then we face the issue of failing some courses or facing hard times in school.
And finally, when a girl decides to open her heart to a man, she gets her heart
played and trampled upon (God will forgive men).
A woman is
very emotional and because of this, she suffers hurts the most. She love the
most, care the most, the most committed and what does she get at the end? She
get Betrayed. She should be totally submissive and never raised her voice at
her man. She is patience and she endures unbearing pain because she wants to
keep her relationship. In marriage, woman is the one that has to do a lot of
work to keep the marriage. A man can cheat on his woman and be pardoned easily
by the society but a woman dare not do that. She will be called all manners of
abusive names.
The last but
not the least, is the issue of child bearing and nurturing. Look at the stress
a woman go through carrying a life in her small stomach for nine months not to
talk of the pain and agony she goes through when delivering the baby. Alone,
she breast feeds the baby, pour love and care unto it, nurture and cherish the
baby with so much tenderness, always the one to attend to the baby even at
midnight. Whenever the baby is crying, you will hear the man say ‘come attend
to your baby’ and at the end of the day, especially when the child is doing
really well you hear the man say ‘how is my child doing’ instead of ‘how is our
child doing’. But when the child is not really doing well, all the blame is on
the mother. Why must it always be the woman? I can’t stop to wonder!
The Gains
Amidst all
the pains of being a woman, I will always be grateful to God for making me a
woman. A responsible man will treat a woman with respect and carefulness
because women are fragile.
Nature is conceived as female. Think “Mother
Nature.” Even the word nature itself in its original Latin (natura)
means birth. Which is to say: to ask the “nature” of something is to ask how it
was born, how it relates to the feminine. Literally and metaphorically, women
define nature and the world. Man is the one who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is
woman’s entire but decisive advantage. Through man’s passions, nature has given
man into woman’s hands.
much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes,
and they’re the first to be rescued off sinking ships. God gave women intuition and
femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man
I’ve ever met. Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always
make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.
get free drinks, free dinners, free movies (you get the point right?) lolz. We
can hug our friends without wondering if people think we are gay. We can walk
in groupies without any negative thoughts (Male groupies are believed to be
stalkers). We can talk to people of the opposite sex without having to picture
them naked. We will never regret piercing our ears. Guys are like dogs. They keep
coming back. Ladies are like cats. Yell at a cat one time…they’re gone.
really do rule the world. They just haven’t figured it out yet. You see a lot
of smart guys with dumb women but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb
guy. In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything
done, ask a woman. (Women are faithful
to their words). Men have grown embarrassingly weak, but only through
observation. Their resolve can easily be broken by a woman. Their emotions can
be easily manipulated by a woman. Their power can be easily taken by a woman.
Their pride can be easily stripped by a woman. Their entire life can easily be
ruined by a woman. While physically stronger, their manipulative prowess can be
wittingly outclassed by a woman. And while their dreams are stronger, the
realities of women are stronger. Whilst men may play the game, women know the
score. Men know that women are an over-match for them, and therefore they
choose the weakest or most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could
be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves. Hmmm! I hope I’m not pissing someone out there (Probably a guy).
#smiles. You want to prove otherwise? Comment with your view. You are a Lady? Tell
us your experiences so far as a woman. I’m Earnestly waiting for your comments.
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